5 Ways Fleet Management Software Can Save Costs

How Fleet Management Software Can Lead to Huge Savings
Featured image credit : crazystocker/Shutterstock.com

If you run a field service business, you’ll know how difficult it can be to turn a profit. Besides the typical business expenditures (such as salaries and taxes), you also need to shell out for fuel, vehicle repairs and maintenance, car insurance, and so on. Such expenditures can easily overtake your earnings if you let them.

Luckily, fleet management software like Route4Me route planner will help you here. Using such software you’ll be able to save on fuel and your employees will be more efficient and productive, leading to better customer satisfaction.

Here’s some more information on how a route planner can lead to huge savings.

Save on Fuel

Planning routes is complicated and tedious. Besides figuring out the best routes to give your employees, you also have to account for traffic, construction, weather, customer availability and so on. It’s just too easy to make an error if you do so manually. So, your employees would end up covering longer distances (than is needed) to finish the routes.

Fortunately, a trip planner cuts travel time by up to 30%. As a result, you’ll also reduce your fuel expenditure by up to 30%.

7 Tips to Keep Your Employees

Save on Time

Creating routes using pen and paper takes a long time. And, the more clients and drivers you have, the longer it’ll take. It can take hours or even days.

However, when you use fleet management software, you can plan routes in 30 seconds or less. Just add your customers’ addresses, customize the settings, and you’re done.

Want To See For Yourself How Route4Me Can Boost Your Profits?

Whether you want to slash the time it takes you to plan routes for your drivers, increase the number of stops they can make, or keep your customers satisfied knowing that your drivers show up on time… Route4Me helps you achieve that!
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Track Your Employees

Optimized routes really wouldn’t amount to anything if your employees don’t actually follow them. So, you should get a road trip planner with a vehicle tracking feature.

GPS tracking lets you know where your employees are in real time. You’ll also know which drivers are doing really well (for salary increases or promotions) and which drivers need more training (for disciplinary purposes). All in all, you’ll get more bang for your buck.

Make More Informed Business Decisions

A vehicle tracker collects data on how your employees behave on the road. You can then use the data to analyze your employees’ performance, check on fuel efficiency, and better understand your business.

So, you’ll be able to answer questions such as the following:

  • Which of my drivers regularly speed?
  • Which areas have the most affordable fuel?
  • Which territories are being underserved?

Increase Your Business Scope

The greatest advantage offered by a driving route planner is that your drivers are on time more often. Customers will love this which may even lead to them recommending your services to their family, friends, and business associates. Such recommendations from personal contacts are perceived to be more reliable than ads on TV or the internet and so is a great way to get new business.

What do you think of fleet management software so far? Do you have any questions? Feel free to leave your comments below.

Also, here are two quick questions to make sure that you understood all the points from this article:

  1. Why is a delivery app preferable to manual route planning?
  2. How can fleet management software bring you more customers?

Want To See For Yourself How Route4Me Can Boost Your Profits?

Whether you want to slash the time it takes you to plan routes for your drivers, increase the number of stops they can make, or keep your customers satisfied knowing that your drivers show up on time… Route4Me helps you achieve that!
Start Free 7 Day Trial

About author: Dominic Walker

Dominic Walker works as a content marketer as part of Route4Me’s worldwide remote workforce. A teacher of over 15 years, Dom knows how to break complex ideas down to the very basics and explain them in a digestible way. He loves answering questions, so if you’re wondering about route optimization, jazz guitar, or how to land a fat bass, Dom is your guy.


About Route4Me

Route4Me has over 40,000 customers globally. Route4Me's Android and iPhone mobile apps have been downloaded over 2 million times since 2009. Extremely easy-to-use, Route4Me's apps create optimized routes, synchronize routes to mobile devices, enable communication with drivers and customers, offer turn-by-turn directions, delivery confirmation, and more. Behind the scenes, Route4Me's operational optimization platform combines high-performance algorithms with data science, machine learning, and big data to plan, optimize, and analyze routes of almost any size in real-time.