Route4Me Enhances API to Support Commercial UAV’s

Route4Me’s latest API enhancement now permits API users to set minimum altitude, maximum altitude, and velocity restrictions to facilitate integration with commercial drones that required way point optimization.

These new operational enhancements are especially powerful, because of Route4Me’s existing support for time-windows and time-sensitive time windows (dynamic time-sensitivity restrictions).

Commercial UAV users and integrators can send a list of waypoints, altitudes, time-windows, with multiple departure points and targets to Route4Me, and receive one or more optimized routes back to reach time-sensitive targets within a predefined time window, taking travel time and speed into consideration.

Future releases will also permit API-users to submit free-form polygons restrictions, so that UAV’s do not enter or leave prohibited zones.

In addition, and as part of this enhancement release, Route4Me is also announcing its private-beta of it’s Route Optimization Arduino SDK, which permits Arduino powered UAV’s to interact with the Route4Me to optimize routes, track one or more UAV’s on a single map, all in an Arduino compatible SDK.