About author: Rahul Dasgupta
With a master’s in computer science and over two decades in logistics technology, Rahul Dasgupta is an authority in route optimization and last mile logistics. At Route4Me, Rahul uses his expertise to help businesses maximize delivery efficiency through strategic route planning and innovative logistics solutions, ensuring optimal fleet performance and cost-effectiveness.
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Posts by Rahul:
These days, GPS technology is everywhere. From laptops to phones to cars, just about everything you can own is trackable. You may have very well tracked your ow ...
Routing and scheduling can be a headache for businesses that depend on field employees. When you plan routes manually, it often takes hours. Also, when you try ...
Customers know you want their money, so it can be hard to establish trust with them. You need to be transparent and prove that you’re actually worthy of their t ...
If you run a business that depends on field employees, you must control your expenses to protect your profit margin. Every gallon of fuel counts. Engine idling ...
The business world isn’t what it used to be. For small businesses and start-ups, this 'new economy' is a good thing. Large companies have always had advantages ...
People aren’t machines. When someone works twice as long as they usually do in a day, that doesn’t mean they get twice as much work done. In fact, when someone ...
There is a chain of events in every field operation. This chain might be short and simple, such as transporting an item from one location to another. Or the cha ...
Is your business succeeding? There’s no way to know the answer to that question unless you set goals and measure your progress. Comparing your revenue to your e ...
Route4Me has been helping its users improve productivity and make more money for the last eight years thanks to its advanced and powerful features, such as rout ...
Is your business successful? You’re not the best person to answer that question. No matter how objective you try to be, you’ve invested so much time and money i ...