With a master’s in computer science and over two decades in logistics technology, Rahul Dasgupta is an authority in route optimization and last mile logistics. At Route4Me, Rahul uses his expertise to help businesses maximize delivery efficiency through strategic route planning and innovative logistics solutions, ensuring optimal fleet performance and cost-effectiveness.
The eCommerce industry is booming. Customers love being able to browse inventories and make purchases from the comfort of their own couch. In fact, customers ha ...
Ben Franklin once said that only two things are certain in life: death and taxes. If Franklin were alive today, he probably would've added traffic to that list. ...
Happy employees lead to happy customers. Everyone knows that. It's Business 101. The question is, what can you do to make your employees happier? GPS tracking s ...
Return on investment is everything. If the investments you choose to make don't pay off, your business won't last for long. GPS tracking software will increase ...
Finding the right courier software isn't easy. You want a product that offers good performance and a smorgasbord of useful features, of course... but you also ...
Want to make your dispatchers happier? Give them route optimization software. It'll help them avoid mistakes, so your drivers will keep showing up on time and y ...
How's your courier software working out for you? Obviously, if your software is slow or it crashes constantly, it's time for a change. But even if it works fine ...
Are you afraid that adopting route optimization software will bog down your business with extra staff training and download time? That's a valid concern, but th ...
Are you afraid of investing in a route mapping app because you think it'll eat up a bunch of data? Relax. The data usage isn’t half as bad as you think. How Muc ...
The "Internet of Things" (IoT) describes the increasing amount of internet-enabled connections between physical items like thermostats, toothbrushes, and refrig ...