How to Create an Optimized Route

How to Create an Optimized Route

Learn how to get optimized routes for your business using the Route4Me trusted route planning software!

Getting your efficient, profitable, and world-saving routes couldn’t be easier, and you can plan routes for repeat business or regular dynamic routes, and it’s simple. All you have to do is follow these steps.

Enter Your Addresses

Route4Me offers four different ways to put your addresses into the system.

Interactive Map Editor

The Interactive Map Editor enables you to pick addresses for your optimized route right fom the map on your phone! Pick your location, add it to the route. It’s that simple. This is a perfect tool for drivers who plan on the go.

Plan Routes by Copying & Pasting Addresses

This function gives you the ability to copy addresses from any third-party app, software, storage device, or service and paste them into Route4Me.

Upload a File for Bulk-Address Route Optimization

This one is the big kahuna. You can upload an entire spreadsheet with virtually unlimited addresses, contacts, coordinates, as well as any custom data you want. Route4Me will optimize a route for thousands of stops in seconds and even split among multiple drivers.

Import Data for Optimized Routes

Route4Me also gives you the option to import files containing addresses and coordinates from cloud-based storage services. Import files from any device and any location. Import from Google Drive, Dropbox,, Xero, or Quickbooks.

Enter Your Route Information

Departure Address and Time

Here’s where the fun begins. After you name your route, you will move on to set your departure address. Later you will have the option to make this address the ending location as well. Specify your departure address, and then choose the date and time for your optimized route.

Driver Optimization

You can choose to optimize this route for one driver or multiple drivers. For one driver, simply choose where you would like the route to end. You can choose round trip, the last address you enter, or Route4Me will automatically end it at the most logical address once route optimization takes place.

If you choose to split the route between multiple drivers you can balance the route evenly between them, or let the advanced route software minimize the number of vehicles needed.

Business Rules For Route Optimization

After driver specifications, you can let Route4Me know custom information for your business, including number of vehicles, duration, distance, pieces, weight, volume, revenue and stops. You also have the option to set up time windows, ensuring your customers are visited at the correct times.

Optimized Routes in Seconds!

Move on to your address input method, enter your addresses, click optimize, and you’re done!